The Athenaeum is a collaborative knowledge management effort by Noah and Jacob Pederson. It contains shared knowledge, links, and other sources. Some information will be formatted or otherwise distilled. Others will simply be a collection of resources. ## 🏛️ What is an "Athenaeum?" Taken from ancient Greece, Athenaeums were institutions or places of literary and scientific learning. In the modern day it may refer to libraries, museums, or other cultural centers that focus on literature and the arts. > **A place for gathering and sharing *knowledge.*** # 🌲Structure The structure consists of a mix of categorized, hierarchical notes that follow a traditional wiki structure. However, sometimes it's not *worth* organizing notes into this structure. For a more fluid knowledge base, we employ [[Zettelkasten]]-style note-taking for things that don't fit nicely into main topics of interest. Most notes begin as *transitory* notes, often with a link to some external source or just a heading. These go into the 📬 Inbox. Notes in the Inbox get periodically pruned or migrated to the Zettelkasten folder or a categorical folder once they have been refactored into a *permanent* note. # 🌱 Purpose This project is started as an experiment to see how collaborative note-taking in public can be approached. When you're writing for someone else explicitly, it helps with composing more complete and coherent information. # 📓 Journals Journals are added on occasion and may contain logs of changes or other linear logging style notes. An effort to annotate who is responsible for a log is made, but often times ignored. # 📧 Suggestions The Athenaeum's purpose is to be a store of useful knowledge. Contributions are accepted via [email](mailto:[email protected]). Note that not every contribution will be added and accepted contributions may be modified. Contributions are licensed under [CC0]( . Authors agree that their contributions are their own and are shared under the terms of CC0 by submitting them to the above inbox. --- All content on the Athenaeum is licensed under Creative Commons [CC0]( and may be reproduced and used freely under the terms of that license. ![[favicon-128x128.png|center]]